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Growth occurs when we do life together, and when we love others no matter what.  By participating in ministry, people can connect with Christ and with each other.  Please check out our ministry options to discover where you and your family can connect, then join in and let our church family grow with you into fully devoted followers of Christ!

Nursery & Children's Ministry

We have a ministry for every age group from nursery to high school.  We provide a nursery where you will be comfortable leaving your infants in the care of loving caretakers during Sunday School and the Sunday morning Worship Service. And beginning this fall, we will once again have our Junior Church for children under 5th grade. All classes are appropriately age based, with screened teachers and helpers. It's a great place to learn, grow and live according to the Bible.

Life Groups


We have a number of Life Groups that have started through out the local area.  All that is missing from our life groups, is YOU!  Come grow with a small group of individuals, and meet Christ in a whole new way! Contact Pastor Shan for more details.


Life Group South meets every other Monday evening at 6:30 pm.

Life Group Central meets every other Monday evening at 6:00 pm

Life Group East meets every other Tuesday evening at 7 pm.

Life Group West  meets every other Sunday evening at 6:30 pm.

Young Adult Life Group meets every other Thursday evening at 7 pm.

Prayer Group
Young Adult Ministry

Throughout the year our Young Adults ministry offers activities to connect, grow, and serve. Presently, the young adults are having a Group Bible Study at CityView Building every other Thursday night at 7:00 pm.  

Women's Ministry

Women in this age need a place where they can come together with other women going through the same issues and trials they are experiencing and find community, support and deep friendships.


In our women's groups, we strive for bold honesty, deep fellowship and constant communication throughout the week.  If you are looking for a group to get connected with, please email the office!






Young Women Brainstorming
OneEighty LOGO square.png
Youth Ministry 

OneEighty is a place for 6th- 12th grade students to connect with other students who want to grow in Christ and follow Him together.  


Meeting Sunday evenings from 6:30-8PM; there's plenty of activities and trips scheduled throughout the calendar year for growing both friendships with each other and relationships with our Savior.

Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry of Grace Community Church, IGNITE, is a fellowship of men focused on building intimacy with Christ and making a difference in each others' lives and in our community.  Through various studies and community activities, we aim to grow believers and reach people for Christ. IGNITE is meeting various Thursday evenings through the year. See the calendar for the schedule.


Current study "7 Questions That Rattle in the Minds of Most Men" - 

The great 'philosopher' Ferris Bueller once said "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

This is true of most men. We go into our routines and patterns and phases of life, and often miss out on the lessons or experiences intended for us.
Join this discussion based Bible study as we explore questions that we all ask but rarely find time to answer.

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Grace Community church of York, pa



Visit us at:

CityView Church Building
1655 Roosevelt Ave.
York, PA  17408

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@2017 by Grace Community Church

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